Generating Growth, Building Connections
When it comes to handling your portfolio, LBMC understands your goals. That’s because they’re our goals too. You have big decisions to make, and we aim to give you the tools, insight and resources to help you succeed.
Our team of highly accredited, hands-on advisors brings far-reaching, national experience to a variety of clients from diverse industries, 包括卫生保健, 制造业, 科技及其他领域. 凭借不同的投资组合规模,明升体育app下载客户范围从本地到全国性的私募股权组织.
Thanks to the deep backing of the LBMC Family of Companies, 我们有资源提供商业服务,以满足您的日常需求,并为您的下一个投资提供联系. 我们量身定做的, 全面的方法, 我们超越基本会计,专注于大局——致力于提高公司价值,推动私募股权增长.
我们提供广泛的服务,旨在使您能够展望和推进您的投资组合公司,而不会出现任何意想不到的惊喜. With both buy-side and sell-side transaction services, 我们有能力和专业知识帮助您从创业到清算. Whether bundling services or creating a customized a la carte plan, LBMC has the expertise to be a partner in your progress.
Business Services for 私人股本
LBMC’s Experience with 私人股本 Organizations
LBMC明白,在私人股本投资的每个阶段,挑战都是不可避免的, and our business services are crafted to meet those business needs, however unique they might be. 我们为私募股权组织和相关投资组合公司量身定制服务和专业知识,使用明升体育app下载集中模式.
- 私人股本
- 夹层债务
- 投资银行
- 风险投资支持
另外, we have experience with all stages of funds, including start-up and formation issues, 操作问题, 的锻炼计划, partner allocations valuation and wind-down activities.
我们利用明升体育app下载的庞大资源,为您带来成功所需的一切. 让我们提供必要的额外资源,从内到外建立一个更强大的投资组合公司.
THE FIRST 100 DAYS: How can LBMC ENCORE services help you?
收购后的前100天对于新业务的成功整合至关重要. 你应该确定一个专门的合作伙伴和一个行动计划,以避免错过重要的步骤. With LBMC’s ENCORE packages, 我们提供广泛的服务,在快速变化的时期提供稳定性和创建运营基础. 这让私人股本集团和执行团队感到安心,使他们能够在我们支持新平台的同时专注于发展新实体. LBMC ENCORE services include:
监视您的日常操作和KPI可能是一项耗时且繁重的任务. 帮助您构建功能仪表板和操作工具可以帮助您和您的团队把握组织的脉搏,并在适当的时候采取行动.
As the day-to-day business environment becomes so reliant upon 技术, companies are exposed to cybersecurity threats constantly. 重要的是要有一个合作伙伴来防止这些威胁,并在It基础设施中建立最佳实践,以确保数据的安全. When you feel confident that your data is protected, your customers and patients can rest assured that their data is protected.
医疗保健组织面临着操作环境的不断变化. 具有实际操作和医疗保健管理经验的医疗保健咨询专家团队可以作为您团队的延伸,并提供指导,以解决需求领域并推动您的组织向前发展.
Managed Services Organization (MSO)
许多公司利用许多供应商和系统来处理会计的不同组成部分, 收入循环, 技术, payroll and other operational processes. 与监视这些不同的系统和流程相关的挑战可以通过托管服务组织(MSO)得到缓解。. MSO模型以一致和简化的方法将所有这些过程集中在一个屋檐下, which reduces the monitoring burden on an executive team.
Once you have closed a transaction, 有大量的流程要实现,有大量的任务要完成. LBMC团队已经帮助公司完成了数百笔交易,以减轻会计和财务团队的压力,这些团队为确保顺利实施而疲于应付.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of utilizing LBMC services?
- 一站式服务 对于多个服务,避免了与多个顾问/供应商合作的麻烦.
- One main point of contact 对于多个服务.
- 节约成本 to you in bundling services with one partner.
Who will my designated contact be at LBMC?
Your concierge will be your main point of contact. 这个人将作为客户经理,以确保你满意,并让你了解所有项目的最新情况. 礼宾部将定期与LBMC内部团队开会讨论状态等. and provide you with updates.
Will I have to spend time talking with multiple teams across services?
而您将需要与各种服务团队进行交互,以计划和实现这些各自的服务, your concierge will be your main point of contact. 此人将确保与LBMC团队进行全面沟通,以减少与您沟通中的冗余.
How much money will I save by bundling services?
你可以期待 minimum discount of 5-10% 节约成本.
Will I have one or multiple invoices to pay?
For your convenience, you will have 只需付一张账单 with details of the multiple services included. Any one-off projects or changes to scope with be invoiced separately.
Will I be able to add or remove services as needed?
是的! We recognize that needs can change over time. 包可以根据新实体的发展和所需的支持级别随时间扩展.
我们所有的服务都可以根据您的需要打包或按单提供. We can also create custom packages.